Sunday, September 23, 2007

For Christ's Sake

This impromptu Art Theory class has taken on a life of its own. While Mr Mellender is trying to be helpful, I am starting to imagine what my college lectures would have been like had artists such as Hieronymous Bosch or Salvador Dali been available for questions from the audience.

Now this is what I call art. Jim and Steve somehow googled the concept of preaching at major sporting events and found a blog written by a woman in Redondo Beach. She writes of a "John 3:16 Guy" who appears at sporting events around the country. This photo is of their street preacher in Redondo Beach. At least he has flair!

Paul also mentioned a girl in a swing. As my pop culture memory is much greater (quantitatively, not qualitatively) than my theology or mythology memory, all I have in mind now is the 1955 flick The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing. [Yes, Joan Collins was an actress before Dallas, though her quality of acting has not seemed to change much.] Nevertheless, I am almost certain this is not where Paul was headed with this.

End of post.

I just wanted to see how many people would not be able to resist hitting "Read more!" even after I told them we were done. Class over. Time for recess.

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