Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Hate means more than Prop 8

All pictures are of the Ibn Tulun Mosque in Cairo, taken by me

I have been trying to stay out of this, but the media has latched onto this as the flavor of the month, and hate-filled words, fan pages, etc., are popping up all over Facebook, making me want to leave it altogether, or unfriend friends who simply have never met anyone from the Middle East or ever visited another country. These are my posts today regarding the building of a mosque at Ground Zero:

The proposed mosque at Ground Zero is is a place of worship, of forgiveness, and a place for people to come together and understand one another, run by a man well known for doing just that. Religion didn't destroy the WTC. Individuals filled with hate did. It is exceedingly dangerous to confuse the two. Hate and ignorance heal nothing. Those who worship, worship the same God. Those who kill worship only themselves.

People of all faiths and no faiths were killed on 9/11: Christians, Jews, Muslims, Agnostics and Atheists. This further shows that the murderers did not care about religion. ANY religion. Not any more than that crazy fuck in Waco did, or the sexually-deviant former leader of the polygamist sect of Mormonism.

Muslim Victims of September 11th Attack

If we give up on every other person of faith and replace compassion with hate, then the terrorist that the CIA trained, bin Laden, has succeeded far beyong his expectations. Don't give him any more victories. He wouldn't even exist if we had stayed out of Russia's invasion of Afghanistan. The US government gave him everything he needed to do what he did, followed his every move, and then acted completely surprised.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Franklin D Roosevelt

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