Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Swear To God

...that I am not out to offend the shit out of everybody in the span of just a few days, but these videos just keep falling into my lap. And if something makes me blow V8 through my nose when I'm watching it, you can be damn sure I'm going to post it, since most of my friends are just as twisted as I am.

This is comedian Stephen Lynch, who is worth Googling. (I think I mean that a couple different ways...) The video is NOT for the devoutly religious (I feel like I just posted that warning) or satire-challenged. It is for anyone who needs a REALLY good laugh.

Worth noting that they had to suspend comments on YouTube for this video. God only knows what Jesus would have written.

Doncha' just wonder what I'm going to find next?

1 comment:

Mentally Incontinent said...

I'm with you. Pandora delivered me She's Gotta Smile and i've not been the same since. I used to be such a good person, but now I just feel a little dirty for having laughed so much at it. Repeatedly.