Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shameless Celebrity Worship

Baby Brad in Thelma and Louise, the start of it all...

I have a friend at work named April, who will remain nameless. She is very helpful, being a trainer, and is my Go To person when no one else knows how to fix something.

But she is smarter than that: She must be paid. Thankfully, I enjoy her bribes as much as she does (or almost as much) and the search for ever better versions of that-which-keeps-April-happy is always a delightful one.

Her payments? Pictures of Brad Pitt.

Today I ran a search (and my methods are top secret, so don't even ask) and found one so breath-taking that my computer actually locked up and shut down for 25 minutes. It simply could not take the hotness. I spent that time searching the Yellow Pages for a sculptor who might cast Brad's likeness in a bust for my home. Time well spent.

Anyway, I have decided to share the picture with you. I placed it AFTER the jump because I needed you to be PREPARED. I tried to prepare you for the kitten video and you all peed yourselves anyway, so let's try this again.

Breathe deeply, find your inner zen, and then, just maybe, you'll be ready for what follows.

All grown up.

Don't forget to wipe your chin before you go back into the living room. You look ridiculous.

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