Sunday, December 28, 2008

Israelity Bites

Photos courtesy of The Huffington Post

Some of you may not know my position on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Many of you don't care, and the majority won't agree. For the record, I believe that Palestinians are treated with all the respect of caged animals in a third world zoo. And their captives wonder why they always try to bite.

The current assault by Israeli forces--one of the strongest overreactions in years--is heinous and barbaric. Hamas' attacks are not justified, either, but let us just take a look at the comparative scope for a second, shall we? C'mon.

How much does the general person actually know about the Gaza Strip, actually? When was the last time any of you watched any documentaries on the occupied territories? There are plenty out there. Gaza Strip, directed by James Longley, is a very good place to start.

They are not as fun to watch as, say, Stranger than Fiction, which I watched last night as the bombs continued to fall in the tiny strip of land that is Gaza--4-7.5 miles wide by 25 miles long, with approximately 1.4 million inhabitants. But short of joining the resistance and getting myself killed, or sending messages to Barack Obama who, according to spokesman David Axelrod, is "generally sympathetic" to the Israelis, there's not a whole helluva lot I can do.

One thing I will do it provide a link to someone who devotes more time and space to the issue than I do. The blog is Israelity Bites, contradictions, vexations, discoveries and epiphanies in the Holy Land.

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