Friday, July 4, 2008

Becoming Sane

Today I celebrated liberty by playing with my horses under a blazing sun across green, sloping hills. I know I received an adequate supply of nature's vitamin A and D when I left the farm with an equally blazing headache, which has only increased as the day has lengthened.

This evening, as the sound of the neighborhood fireworks banished my small best friend under the sturdiest of my furniture, I sat in the cool darkness of my living room watching the 2007 film, Becoming Jane. It tells of Jane Austen's life experiences--or lack of them--which led her to write not only Pride and Prejudice, but several other remarkable, and cherished, novels.

It is a timely reminder that the only fireworks truly worth experiencing are those which arise from one's heart and soul.

Anne Hathaway in Becoming Jane

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