Thursday, September 9, 2010


On a positive note, at least Koran sales will go up this week in Gainesville, FL. On another positive note, I'm too far away (and broke) to bring a stack of Bibles and Torahs to join in the fun.

Fahrenheit 451, the classic book written by Ray Bradbury, takes place in an unspecified future time (some dialogue places it after 1990)in a hedonistic anti-intellectual America that has completely abandoned self-control...Illegal books mainly include famous works of literature, such as Walt Whitman and William Faulkner, as well as the Bible and all historical texts.

Click on the post title for more info from Wiki.

Ed. Note: You know, every time I tag a post with the topic "religion" I also have to tag it with "hate." I think I'll save some time and just make one tag: "religious hate," regardless of the fact that it has become (always has been?) redundant in my experiences.

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