Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Map locating an attack in Syria's Abu Kamal region, near the border with Iraq. Iraq has said that a helicopter raid on neighbouring Syria on Sunday was against an area used by insurgents to launch attacks on its soil.(AFP/Graphic)

I noticed a by-line on Monday mentioning that the US conducted a commando raid inside Syria on Sunday, killing eight people, including children--teeny terrorists, no doubt. (Aren't all children terrorists at heart?) Some no names in Washington said we targeted and killed a top al-Qaida operative with our actions.

That's great. Really, I'm thrilled. Knowing that guy was out there eating felafel sandwiches right in the open like nobody cared was really eating at me. But has ANYONE noticed that we bombed a fucking sovereign country?

No word from Bush. Not surprising. But no word from Obama or McCain, either.

I know they're really busy and all, but what the fuck? How can no one acknowledge the fact that we did this? Can you imagine the reaction had Syria launched a "small but necessary" military action in, say, Missouri, last Sunday?

Syrians mourn next the bodies of their relatives who were killed yesterday in what the Syrian media reported as a deadly US military attack on the village of Sukkiraya. US forces in Iraq staged a "successful" raid into Syria against foreign fighters, an American official said Monday, as a furious Damascus accused Washington of "terrorist aggression."(AFP/Ramzi Haidar)

No, really. Think about it for a minute. We would RAIN TERROR down on Syria--bomb the living shit out of them for looking sideways at us and violating our sacred American earth.

Will someone, anyone, please call BULLSHIT on this? Syria has already threatened to close all educational and cultural outlets for Americans studying abroad (this includes children of diplomats). Although, if we don't care about actions of war why the hell should we care about cross-cultural education. Really, that only stands in the way of wars, anyway.

A Syrian man sits next to blood staining the floor in the village of Sukkiraya, on the Syria-Iraq border, the scene of what the Syrian media reported as a deadly US military strike. US forces in Iraq staged a "successful" raid into Syria against foreign fighters, an American official said Monday, as a furious Damascus accused Washington of "terrorist aggression."(AFP/Ramzi Haidar)

Hypocrisy in its finest form.

A view of the U.S. embassy in Damascus October 29, 2008.The U.S. embassy in Damascus may close to the public, a U.S. embassy spokesman said on Wednesday, ahead of demonstrations planned in the Syrian capital to protest against a U.S. military raid in eastern Syria.REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri (SYRIA)

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